Wednesday, March 21, 2012

We are crazy about JOCO!

There is this new gadget that was brought to us recently. JOCO. Digital Camera.  

I personally think this is a genius gadget. Not only the camera is digital, it embraces LOMOGRAPHY!
We all know how much we long for a digital Lomo camera. Far gone the days to inconveniently buy and wash the oldschool camera film, let alone the burnt and failed films. 

So i have tried if for a couple of days, to see what was the fuss all about. And I gotta say, JOCO doesn't disappoint. 

JOCO. Digital Lomography. 

Normal: Capture and save your picture in the most natural modePhotobucket

Orca: Everything Black & White

Rays: Something yellow, something antique

X-Files: Ghostly image outlines

Hermit: Love or war? Flushing Red

Algae: Shocking Greens

Bubbles: Feeling blue?

I guess i'll post more pics from now on. ;P

For those Lomo Junkie out there check this out: Lomography: Yesterday vs Today

Monday, March 19, 2012

Test your creativity skills!

Seperti yang kita tahu, Polid sekarang lagi mengadakan 'Polid Creativity Contest' yang mengajak siapa aja untuk berkreasi dengan foto polaroid kalian.

Nah, karena permintaan dari sejumlah teman teman, maka deadline pengumpulan kreasi diundurkan sampai tanggal 14 April 2012. Sampai sekarang, kita udah trima banyak banget hasil kreasi yang menarik dan pastinya kreatif. Makanya, bagi yang belum berpartisipasi, buruan daftar and kumpulin hasil karya kalian!

Hadiah nya lumayan banget lohh.... :)

Here is a quick peek at some of the collected arts:
Polid Creativity Arts

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Look what we have in our office today...

So I was walking in the mall yesterday and found this rather interesting food. I bought and brought it back to the office for everyone to have a bite (while wishing it would actually work :P) . So, here comes the 'COKELAT TOLAK MISKIN'....

Ultimate Joke. lol. 

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Welcome Spring

Memasuki bulan Maret, kita menyambut musim semi! Hooray! Polid House ingin merayakan musim semi kali ini dengan menyediakan paket2 produk terbaru, mengambil tema "Welcome Spring". We had a product shoot yesterday, and here below are some sneak peak. :P

p.s. check our fb for more pics and detail. 
Welcome Spring
Our 7s collection (check fb for more)
Loving the theme! ;P

Thursday, March 08, 2012

What is Polid House?

Polid House is a home of lifestyle. We strive to be a part of your future.

Polid was born about 2 years ago and has been running strong up to today. It started from the desire between two friends to build a small business. Ideas were thrown, inspirations were sought, and finally they came up with an idea to bring any gadgets or lifestyle products that the today's youngsters wish to have.

here are some pics: back then, and now. ;P

Back when it all started. Guangzhou 2010. 

Pengamen Jalanan. Guangzhou 2012

The Females

The Boys